Answered By: Elaine M. Patton
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2024     Views: 3404

"Course number" usually means the level/designation of a course -- e.g. the "1301" in "ENGL 1301." It is also referred to as the catalog number.

Unique classes for that course are designated with section numbers, e.g. 6001. 


Understanding the Course Number

  • The first number gives a clue as to whether it's a more introductory or advanced/specialized course.
    • You probably wouldn't be able to take ENGL 2327 in your first year, when you'd instead take ENGL 1301 and 1302.
    • Courses starting with 0 (like ENGL 0309) are developmental classes that do not count for college credit.
  • The second number tells you how many credit hours the course is worth and how much time it will occupy in your schedule.
    • ENGL 1301 is a 3 credit hour class, and you'll meet about 3 hours/week for it.
    • BIOL 1406 is a 4 hour class (to account for both lecture and lab time).
  • The third number may indicate if prerequisites are needed.
    • ENGL 2311 only requires ENGL 1301 first, but ENGL 2327 requires you have taken both ENGL 1301 and 1302.
  • The last number shows the sequence of courses.
    • You take or get credit for ENGL 1301 before you take ENGL 1302.
    • ENGL 2327 surveys American literature until the Civil War, while ENGL 2328 covers literature from the Civil War through the present (though in that case, 2328 doesn't require 2327).



And one more thing:

Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS)

From the Academic Catalog:

LSC is part of a group of Texas colleges and universities that teach courses similar in nature and have been designated with common numbers. The purpose of assigning a common number is to facilitate transferability of courses among participating institutions.

Courses numbered from 1000 to 4999 are college-level courses. Courses numbered 0000 to 0999 are considered developmental/pre-college level. These courses carry institutional credit, but are not considered transferable. Credits from these courses do not meet degree requirements.

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