Your Lone Star College student email address follows this formula:
You can access your email by logging in to myLoneStar as well as setting your account up in the mail app on your phone.

Important Notes:
- It's @ my dot lonestar dot edu. Employees' emails are just; student addresses include the "my."
- You also have an email inside D2L, While this is an official email, it's not the official email. When communicating outside of a D2L classroom (e.g. contacting an advisor or the library), use your account, not your D2L one (which doesn't like to send/receive externally; at least, not in a reliable way).
- Email addresses are not case-sensitive (nor is your username). Passwords, however, are.
Technical Difficulties?
Contact OTS! They're available 24/7 and can figure out what's going wrong to get you back into your email.