Answered By: Elaine M. Patton
Last Updated: Oct 05, 2020     Views: 852

Get Office 365 on your personal computer for free, including 1 TB of OneDrive storage space (which makes it easy to sync your work between the library/campus computers and your personal one). Visit and log-in using your Lone Star College email address and password to get started.

You'll be able to use the apps in the Cloud, or look for the button to download and install the programs.

Apps view of Portal page, with the "Install" button on upper right circled in red.


Is other software available?

You find OTS's list of software in the Service Now database. Note: you have to login at the link, and then it forgets where it was taking you originally. Log in, close tab, then re-click that link to view (easiest way).

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